Quality of life for the edentulous Alzheimers patient

Quality of life for the edentulous Alzheimers patient

Caregiver support is essential to a loved one’s quality of life

January is Alzheimer Awareness Month

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and degenerative disease of the brain. While Alzheimer’s remains incurable, support and care early in the disease can help manage symptoms and improve a patient’s quality of life.

Denture care for Alzheimer’s patients

Denture care for Alzheimer’s patients

January is Alzheimer Awareness Month

If you are caregiver to a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s, you may need to assist them with proper denture and oral care. In the early and middle stages of the disease, this may mean offering support, reminders, and coaching. In the later stages of the disease, you may need to take over responsibility for this care.

What to eat when eating is a challenge?

What to eat when eating is a challenge?

As anyone who’s just had oral surgery knows, meals while your mouth heals can be difficult. Foods must be soft and easy to eat, but since healing can take a few days or longer, it is also important that you don’t get bored of limited menu options.

Don’t ignore problem signs

Don’t ignore problem signs

Man experiencing the denture-related problem of oral pain

Experiencing oral pain? See your Denturist!

Most denture wearers know the tell-tale signs that mean a trip to your Denturist – sore spots, chipped teeth, or broken dentures. However, other problems are also worthy of discussion with your denture expert.

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