The bone loss you will experience after you have lost teeth can lead to ill-fitting dentures – visit your Denturist to discuss solutions to restore proper denture fit and function.

All denture patients have experienced it: that day when you realize your denture is loose. There are a number of reasons your denture may start to fit poorly. Sometimes, uneven or excessive tooth wear causes your denture to tip or rock. Certain health conditions can also affect how your denture fits, such as weight loss of more than 7 pounds, sudden or new illness, cancer treatments, and various medications. However, there is one factor affecting all denture wearers that you may not have considered – bone loss.


How to tell if denture problems are affecting a loved one with Alzheimer’s

How to tell if denture problems are affecting a loved one with Alzheimer’s

January is Alzheimer Awareness Month

Because Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are progressive in nature, it is inevitable that verbal communication between a patient and their Denturist will become problematic and eventually impossible. In practical terms, this means that your loved one may not be able to express what they are feeling, if they have discomfort, or what they think is causing their discomfort.

Don’t ignore problem signs

Don’t ignore problem signs

Man experiencing the denture-related problem of oral pain

Experiencing oral pain? See your Denturist!

Most denture wearers know the tell-tale signs that mean a trip to your Denturist – sore spots, chipped teeth, or broken dentures. However, other problems are also worthy of discussion with your denture expert.

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